9th June 2022

Capacity building programme

'Capacity building is the process through which individuals, organisations, and societies obtain, strengthen, and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time.' 

As a guiding principle the National Council for Teacher Education itself has specified the
nature and content of the Two Year B.Ed. curriculum through ‘NCTE Regulations 2014’ and
associated publications. ‘The B. Ed. Curriculum shall be designed to integrate the study of subject
knowledge, human development, pedagogical knowledge and communication skills.

As part this programme, on 23th June 2022 Mar Theophilus Training College, Trivandrum had conducted a Capacity building programme on June 9th 2022 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. The resource person was Mr. Manoj.

 It was an excellent class....

                                                    ~Memoirs of Emi😉


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