9th February 2022

Another assembly day

Today's assembly was conducted by Physical Science optional.The assembly started with prayer song followed by college anthem, pledge, news, campus news, thought, importance of the day and week, a speech on Women in Science. They also conducted a quiz competition and distributed the prizes of Santa drawing competition. Bindu ma'am inaugurated the physical science association 2021- 23 "COSMOS".

After the assembly we had our optional class. 
Bindu Ma'am taught us about 'Bloom's Taxonomy

Next session was handled by Maya Ma'am. Today seminar topics presented by english optional students. Their topic was 'Characteristics of Indian society .'

After lunch we had physical education class by George Sir. Sir taught us about types of exercises and benefits of exercises.

Overall it was a pleasant day. 😌

                                                  ~Memoirs of Emi 😉


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