Online classes continues....


Today was the second day of online classes. Ancy Ma'am shared the link of Google Meet for the first period. Ma'am asked Fr. Sujith to sang sprayer song and Fr. Sujith sang a beautiful prayer song. M.Ed trainee - Sathyalekha Ma'am taken the class about the topic - How to be effective Communication in Classroom

After that second hour was taken by Gibi Ma'am. 
Ma'am asked anyone to sang a prayer song. Jeena came forward and sang a beautiful prayer song. And then Gibi teacher taught as about Id, Ego, and Super ego. Id is immediate impulse, Ego is reality analysis, and Super ego is an ethical analysis in particular situation. Later she taught about a new therapy called - Mm-Hmm therapy. The term was unknown to us but in real life we are doing it. We are listening to others problem, we use Mm-Hmm and listen to them.

Later that we have optional class. Unfortunately, 
Bindu Ma'am can't take the class due to some unforeseen hospital case, so Ma'am posted a topic for group discussion in Google classroom
- 'Different ways by which the teacher could develop Professionalism'.  And we have done the discussion and got some points.

After that our classes were over with some good thoughts given to my mind i.e, "how I should be good to other person". Like Gibi Ma'am taught to apply the Mm-Hmm therapy. Listen to someone's problem and use Mm-Hmm to their problems that can be 'good' to them.

                                                  ~Memoirs of Emi😉


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