First Online Class


Today our classes has shifted to online mood due to some our teachers and friends tested positive. This was our first online class. I myself found that I'm not ready for online classes because I like to classes to be offline then only I can get new experiences from MTTC. The 1st day itself, I missed college, teachers, and friends.....

 First class was handled by Dona Ma'am ( M.Ed trainee ). She taught us about 'Intelligence Test' and 'Wechsler's Scale'. 

Second hour was optional class, Shabana Ma'am taught us about the topic 'correlation between Political science and History'. 

Last class was taken by Shabana Ma'am, she taught us about 'Dr S Radhakrishnan'.

Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an Indian philosopher and statesman who served as the second president of India from 1962 to 1967.
He believed that "teacher's should  be the best mind in the country". Since 1962, his birthday ha been celebrated in India as Teacher's day on 5th September every year.
As Dr S Radhakrishnan believed, student teacher's should be "Best Mind" and should be tomorrow's"Best Teacher".....☺️

After that our classes were over. Today onwards the timing of our online classes will be 9 to 12:30.
                                                     ~Memoirs of Emi


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