21th January 2022

21th January 2022

 Today first class was taken by George Thomas Sir. He gave us Idea about health chart i.e., Name, Age, Height, Weight, BMI, Waist hip ratio, Heart rate, Blood pressure, Cholesterol etc..

After that we optional class and it was taken by Shabana Ma'am ( M.Ed intern ). We discussed about the concept of Social Studies and Shabana Ma'am had given an assignment about the concept of Social Studies, meaning and importance of Social Studies.

After optional class, our Principal sir taken class for us. He taught us about the phases of teaching: pre-active phase, interactive phase, and post-active phase. After that he taught us about Glazer theory.

Today was the last online class, Monday [24-01-2022] onwards we have offline classes.

                                                   ~Memoirs of Emi 😉


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