1st assembly of 2022

Today is the first assembly of this year 2022 which was conducted by Natural Science optional. All of them presented the assembly very beautifully. The assembly started with the college anthem, prayer song, pledge, news, MTTC news, importance of the week and the day, thought for the day. Later, Gibi Ma'am inaugurated their logo named 'HORUS'  - unravel the realm of flair.

                National Youth Day 

Every year on 12th January, the country celebrated as the
'NATIONAL YOUTH DAY'  to honour Swami Vivekanandan. It is on this in 1863 that the youth icon was born.

Today's classes where led by M.Ed trainees. They taught us the topics ' The Role of Society in Education' and 'Intelligence Test'.

After lunch we exchanged Christmas gift. I am very happy that I received Christmas gift from my beloved one Anitha💞 and with the gift she wrote me a letter that seems very precious to me. Then I given gift to Vimal🥰 who is my Christmas friend and everyone of our class had exchanged there gift to each other. That was a joyfull moment.

After lunch break, we got an announcement that our classes are going to be online for few days until the next Wednesday which makes me feel sad. The reason for the closure of our due to some spread of covid to some of our friends and teachers which makes us feel little nervous. In the morning itself we wrote a letter to Gibi Ma'am, Principal incharge. So, our beloved Principal Benedict who went for sick leave, he informed us about the online classes and its schedule in our main WhatsApp group. By that we all set our mind for online classes for few days.....

But for this few days, I'm going to miss all my dear ones ,the lovable teachers and also M.Ed trainees from Thycadu Govt. College of Teacher Education..

                                                            ~ Memoirs of Emi😉



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