A day dedicated to raise awareness

 1 December 2021 

Today, 1st December was celebrated as 'World's Aids Day'. It is celebrated to raise awareness and knowledge about HIV and to support those who living with HIV. It was a assembly day, everyone wore saree and everyone looked beautiful in saree. The assembly was conducted by the 'MALAYALAM OPTIONAL'. They said about the day's importance and they distribute red ribbon to us. 

Their assembly was really nice. After their assembly, our beloved principal their logo and association name i.e. "PRAGATHI" which means 'progress'. 

First period was led by Maya Ma'am. Ma'am continued with the topic definitions of Education.

"Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel."
"Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body."
"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life is harmony with all existence."
                                                 -Rabindranath Tagore

Second session was handed by Gibi Ma'am. Ma'am taught us about the 'Nature of psychology'. 

Afternoon session was led by our class teacher Bindhu Ma'am. She asked newcomers to gave a self-introduction. So, I also got a chance to introduce myself to my friends and class teacher.
After that Joju sir given us a wonderful and inspirational class.

Later we went for practice for talent hunt. It was a pleasant day.😊


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