30th November 2021

 Classes begins

After the prayer, first period was taken by Gibi Ma'am. She welcomed the newcomers who came in spot admission. She asked them to gave a self introduction and also asked them to say about their strength. After that she taught us about the topic 'Educational Psychology'.

Second period was taken by Maya Ma'am. Ma'am taught us about the meaning of education in both wider and narrow sense. Wider sense consists of life long and all experience from womb to tomb and Narrow sense consists of institutions like schools and colleges. And also she some definitions to education.
' By education I mean all round drawng out the best in man and child - body, soul and mind.'
                                                   - Mahatma Gandhi
' Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.'
                                             - Swami Vivekanandan
"Asato Ma Sadgamaya
 Tamaso Ma Jyothrigamaya
 Mrtyoma Amritam Gamaya
 Aum Shanthi Shanti Shanthi"

The next period was led by Ancy Ma'am. Ma'am taught us about the topic 'Different types of communication' and ' Barriers of communication'. Then we all went to the college library, we spent their by reading newspapers. Afternoon session was led by George Thomas Sir. In that period we played 'Badminton' and 'Cricket'. Later we all gathered in the general purpose hall for a special class by an external export. He trained us about the usage of smart board. 

Overall it was a nice day ....💖


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