Reflection of the week (20th February - 24th February) In this week, I have continued with "Economic System and Economic Policies" and taken the topics from "From Magadha to Thaneswar".
Reflection of the week (13th February - 17th February) In this week, I have continued with the chapter "Water on Earth". I have taken the topics of water cycle, water below the ground, multitude of Wells, water pollution and water conservation and globalisation.
Reflection of the week (6th February - 10th February) In this week, I have continued with the chapter "Capitalist Economy". I have taken the topics of Socialist economy, mixed economy, liberalisation, privatisation and introduction of water on earth.
Day - 22 Today Surya from Malayalam optional and Arsha from English optional together conducted a concentization programme about the importance of reading.
Reflection of the week (30th January - 4th February) In this week, I have continued with the chapter "Blanket of the Earth". I have taken the topics Atmosphere as a green house, Changing atmospheric condition, Ozone as an umbrella for the Earth, Structure of the Atmosphere, Mesosphere and Thermosphere and Capitalist Economy.
Annual Day Today is annual day for St. Goretti's HS, Nalanchira... There was a lot of programs of the students. I enjoyed all the programs performed by the students. We, the student teachers have special duties were there... And also we have special duty to sell the ice creams to the students and parents... It was a memorable experience to us... We have a lot from that.